Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney

Dealing with the aftermath of an injury can have a lot of negative effects on an individual’s life in Atlanta, GA. You may need to take time off work to recover from your injury. That time away from work could cause you to lose some or all of your wages, which may lead to extra financial stress. The physical impact of an injury, no matter how severe, can also have a major impact on your day-to-day life and how well you can function.

If your injury was the fault of someone else, you may also have to navigate a legal battle to receive the support you need to properly recover. It is important that you understand your rights and the steps that are necessary to file a personal injury claim.

An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer can work with you to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. The team at The Law Office of Delisa Williams PC has over two decades of experience. We are ready to assist you with your personal injury claim.

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

Understanding Personal Injury Law

Accidents and injuries can happen to anyone, regardless of their circumstances. You may slip and fall at work, get injured while you are in a store, or be involved in a car accident. Injuries caused by these events can have a significant impact on your life physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally. In many circumstances, these injuries are purely accidental, and no one is at fault, but that is not always the case.

Personal injury law pertains to cases where one individual is injured because of another person’s actions or negligence. If you are injured in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver, you could file a personal injury claim against them.

If you work in unsafe conditions for a long period of time, you may develop an injury. This may entitle you to compensation from a workers’ compensation claim. If you have been injured and believe another party is at fault, an Atlanta personal injury attorney could help you get a settlement to aid in your recovery.

Most Common Examples of Personal Injury

There are many different accidents or injuries that could be considered in a personal injury claim. Any injury to a person’s body or emotions that was caused by another person could be classified and tried as a personal injury. Some of the most common types of personal injuries include:

  • Car Accidents: This is a type of personal injury claim that most people are familiar with. Car accidents often range from small fender benders to serious, sometimes fatal, collisions. Many of these accidents are caused by one of the drivers. They could be driving recklessly, not paying attention to traffic signals, using excessive speed, or driving under the influence. If any of these factors cause an accident that harms another driver or passenger, then it could be classified as a personal injury. This may entitle the injured party to compensation.
  • Slip and Fall: These are not as familiar to many people. However, they can be very serious. An individual who trips over something falls, and is injured may have a personal injury claim, depending on the circumstances that led to the fall. If whatever they slipped on, such as a puddle on the floor, or tripped over was left in their path by another person, then that person would share liability for their injury. Slip and fall injuries often happen in stores and other public spaces. However, they can also happen in the workplace. Regardless of the specifics of each case, the injured individual may receive a settlement for their injuries.
  • Wrongful Death: This is one of the most tragic types of personal injury claims. When someone is killed due to the negligence or action of another person, the loved ones of the deceased could file a personal injury claim on their behalf. This is referred to as a wrongful death claim. Wrongful deaths are often the result of medical negligence, malpractice, or car accidents, among many other causes. In the event of a personal injury claim that involves a wrongful death, the loved ones may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical bills, funeral services, and pain and suffering.
  • Work Injuries: Personal injuries that happen in the workplace are classified as workers’ compensation claims. These injuries could be caused by several things. Some build up over time, either through repetitive motion at work or regular exposure to loud noise without proper protection. Others are single-event injuries, such as falling off a ladder or being injured because a coworker made a mistake. If it can be proven that an employer or other party is at fault for the injury, then the worker may be entitled to compensation for their recovery.

Determining Who Is at Fault for Personal Injury

The personal injury laws in Georgia are heavily based on the idea of negligence. This means that an individual had a certain responsibility to ensure that others were not hurt, but they did not fulfill that responsibility, and someone was injured. The person who was negligent may not always be entirely at fault, though.

Georgia recognizes what is called contributory negligence. This means that, in some circumstances, the injured party’s actions contributed to their injury. If the court finds that the individual who was injured shares over 50% of the fault for their injury, then they may be prevented from receiving damages.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury

In each state, there is a certain window of time following an incident when any claim can be filed. This is referred to as the statute of limitations. Placing a time limit on filing a claim helps ensure that any evidence is still relevant and useful to the case.

Some states have a much stricter statute of limitations, but Georgia’s is fairly standard. In the state of Georgia, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim. Suppose you were injured, and you believe that another party is at fault. If you fail to file a claim within the two-year limit, though, then your case is likely to be dismissed, meaning it will not be heard.

Personal Injury Damages

When you file a personal injury claim of any kind, including workers’ compensation and wrongful death, you are seeking damages. Any measurable losses that you have suffered could be considered damages. Medical bills, lost wages, property damage, lost earning potential in the future, pain and suffering, and more are all considered damages.

Damages may include tangible losses, like wages and property damage, but they can also be more abstract losses, such as the loss of companionship as the result of a wrongful death. Calculating the overall cost of the damages you have suffered will determine what compensation you are entitled to in a settlement.

The Cost of an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer

There is no way to calculate the specific cost of working with an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer. The amount that an attorney may charge will vary depending on several factors. Some lawyers choose to charge a flat fee. If so, their clients will pay one amount regardless of the challenges of their case. Others charge an hourly rate. If they do, the overall cost for the client will depend on how much time the lawyer must dedicate to their case.

Most personal injury attorneys in Georgia, however, will charge a contingency fee. This means that they will not be paid unless the case is successful and their client receives a settlement. The contingency rate may vary from one attorney to the next.

On average, the rate is approximately 33% for pre-trial settlements. This occurs when a client receives a settlement without needing to go to court. For cases where a trial is required, the rate may be raised to 40%. Despite the cost, working with an accomplished Atlanta personal injury lawyer can be an invaluable resource.

How Atlanta Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

Navigating the legal system without help can be challenging, particularly for those who are not familiar with how it works. An experienced personal injury attorney can guide you through the process. They can ensure that your claim is handled properly and that you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Three key ways that a personal injury attorney can be helpful are:

  • Experience: An ideal personal injury attorney has worked with a variety of clients during their time practicing law. Their experience can help them analyze the specific details of your case, determine the right path forward, and create a plan of action with you.
  • Knowledge: Lawyers who focus on personal injury law have spent years studying and understanding the laws, statutes, and regulations surrounding these cases. They also dedicate time each year to ensuring that they are familiar with any changes to the law. This allows them to better serve their clients. Their knowledge helps them assess the specific details of your case and anticipate any potential challenges.
  • Support: Dealing with a personal injury claim is not a simple process. There is a great deal of documentation, legal proceedings, and steps that must be followed correctly. An experienced personal injury attorney has the resources, guidance, information, and insights to help make the process easier to manage.

FAQs About Atlanta, GA Personal Injury Laws

How Should You Choose a Personal Injury Attorney?

Choosing a personal injury attorney is an important process. It should be handled carefully. Not every personal injury attorney will be the right option for your claim, so you should take the time necessary to find the right fit. When selecting a personal injury attorney, you should consider factors such as their experience, their emphasized practice areas, their fees, and whether they can give your case the time and attention it needs.

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

A personal injury lawyer works with clients who have been injured through the actions or negligence of another person. They understand and work with the laws that were created to ensure that victims of negligence can receive the compensation they deserve.

An experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney can help you gather the documentation you need, file your case, and complete the process. This can ensure that you get proper compensation. They can negotiate with insurance companies and other involved parties to ensure that your claim is handled properly. Working with an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer can make the process much easier.

What Should You Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer?

The qualities that you should look for in a personal injury lawyer will vary depending on the specifics of your case. It is critical to look for an Atlanta personal injury attorney who is experienced and has worked with a variety of clients with different needs. It is also ideal to find a lawyer who focuses on or has extensive experience with your specific type of injury.

What Percentage Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get in Georgia?

Many personal injury attorneys in the state of Georgia charge contingency fees for cases. This means that the attorney is only paid if the case is successful, and the client receives a settlement. If a case is settled pre-trial, meaning that no trial is necessary, the average rate for contingency fees is around 33%. If the case must go to trial, then the contingency fee may be increased to 40%.

Contact The Law Office of Delisa Williams PC

The physical, mental, financial, and emotional toll of recovering from an injury can be stressful and exhausting. Time away from work, lost wages, pain, and unintentional stress placed on family and friends can feel overwhelming.

It can also be frustrating if your accident was caused by another person. In addition to all the stress that comes with recovery, you may also have to deal with a legal battle to receive the compensation you deserve. If you are filing a personal injury claim, it is important to have the proper support and guidance. An accomplished Atlanta personal injury attorney can guide and support you through the process. Contact the team at The Law Office of Delisa Williams PC in Atlanta today to get started.

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